Fjällräven Classic Sweden FAQ
Are you preparing for Fjällräven Classic Sweden and have a bunch of questions and wonder how it really is? What gear and clothes should you bring? We try to answer some of those questions and give an honest view of how it might look like. Fortsätt läs…

Hiking with kids – A family adventure on Fjällräven Classic
This is the story of a quite unreal little family adventure, 110 kilometers through the northern Swedish mountains with a five year old hero, and his mom and dad. We are an ordinary Swedish family living in the middle of Stockholm, who decided to hike for six days through beautiful mountain valleys along the Dag Hammarskjölds trail from Nikkaluokta to Abisko, during the 2018 Fjällräven Classic trekking event. This is our story how it was! Fortsätt läs…